The Essential Hub of our Financial Planning Community.

We empower financial planners by connecting them with the resources necessary to elevate their community impact.

What can we connect you with today?

Ambition:  Impact Legislation and Regulation

"If you are not at the table, you are on the menu."


Smallest Time Investment for Greatest Impact

When you register to vote,

one benefit is becoming more aware of your legislative districts and elected representatives.

Adding your home zip code in our membership database tells us which legislative districts our members connect to.

Regardless of how you cast your ballot, knowing that the financial planning community as a whole encourages an engaged set of citizens amplifies our credibility.

Regulators and Legislators want to know

how many professionals and voices

our Association represents. 

Our Membership Count is a quantifiable measure of our reach.

Greater Time Investment?   Greater Influence on the Impact

Share your regulatory ideas,

issues, and concerns.

Your Advocacy Team works hard to develop and maintain a good working relationship with our Federal and State regulators.


to our

Advocacy Working Team.

First Fridays at 9:30 am, most months

Share your legislative ideas,

issues, and concerns.

Your Advocacy Team works hard to develop and maintain a good working relationship with our Federal and State Legislators.

Occasionally we are able to arrange programming with our Regulators:  Updates, Conversations...
Attend FPAAZ conversations and updates with our Regulators

Ready to Get in the Game?

Participate in Advocacy Day -
locally and federally.

Generally the 2nd week in February, our Advocacy team hosts Advocacy Day at the Arizona Capitol.   

We need financial planning professionals to join us for that day, and set up legislator appointments ahead of that day. 

It's fun...informative...impactful.

Nationally, FPA arranges and hosts an Advocacy event in Washington DC, generally during the Summer months.

Participate in August Recess Rush.

When our Federal Legislators are back in Arizona during August,

we take advantage of their presence

by requesting Face to Face time with them. 

We meet in their local offices and renew acquaintance,

update on policy positions, and listen to their perspective

on our profession and legislative priorities they anticipate.


Advocacy includes efforts to Advance the Profession of Financial Planning.

When we connect to the general public and our consumer base through quality financial literacy,

we increase awareness of, and trust in, our profession.

Help our Communications team

tell our story.

Want to know more?

Financial Planning Association (FPA) is a national 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.  FPA is Your Partner in Planning TM.

FPA Arizona (FPAAZ) is a state based 501(c)(6) organization, affiliated with FPA via a Chapter Charter and License agreement.

PO Box 4130, Scottsdale AZ 85261 Ph:  480-483-9035 Hours:  M-Th: 9 - 5  Fr: 9 - 1 

Copyright Notice:  © 2025:  FPA Arizona reserves all rights to original content published here.  Our Terms of Use prohibit website users from posting any copyrighted material without seeking express authorization in advance.

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