The Essential Hub of our Financial Planning Community.

We empower financial planners by connecting them with the resources necessary to elevate their community impact.

What can we connect you with today?

Ambition:  Be a Great Team Player

Where do you go to learn teamwork skills?

Where can you actively practice freshly learned teamwork skills?

FPAAZ Volunteers experience teamwork in an efficient, supportive and welcoming organization
laser focused on advancing our Vision and Mission.

Why might I seek Teamwork skills?

Financial Planning Professionals attain significant knowledge in a wide range of topics, including:

Taxation Estate Planning
Risk Management Planning for College
Retirement & Retirement Income Planning Investment Planning
Behavioral Finance Principals of Financial Planning

    Financial Planning Professionals must also gain competence with a wide range of FinTech tools, business and practice management software, firm and professional practices/policies, along with marketing and business development prowess.

    Academic institutions and a wide variety of industry vendors and companies exist and compete to help financial planning professionals attain the knowledge and skills listed above. 

    Becoming a competent and ethical financial planning professional does not necessarily prepare you to become

    • a valued employee and team member,
    • a supportive manager,
    • an able coach,
    • an effective and respected leader, or
    • a profitable business partner or owner. 

    If any of these ambitions are on your list, these ambitions require teamwork skills.  You can train for this.

    Who teaches Teamwork Skills?

    FPAAZ Professional Skills Workshop Series:  Introducing Professional Development+   [PDP+]

    A proprietary set of 9 Workshops, leveraging the Learning Hub+ approach to Adult Learning. 

    Certificate of Completion option available.

    Where can I practice teamwork skills?

    Through volunteering on a Working Team, our General Circle, within our Financial Literacy and Advocacy efforts, or our Board of Directors.

    Learning that Sticks...

    Chapter Working Team Volunteering,

    incorporating Professional Development+

    every day, every meeting.

    Chapter Working Teams meet via Zoom,

    They post their work sessions on the Chapter Connect! Calendar.

    The ask is 2-3 hours monthly.

    Where to start?

    Join a Hubble or

    Register for a Leadership Academy, as they are offered.

    Do you know what does great teamwork feel like?

    We do.

    Vision Driven Leadership...

    Board of Directors

    Effective boardrooms are rare, because they require teamwork, and the  challenge is to think strategically, not tactically. 

    Can you stay out of the weeds and see around corners?  

    Team players are uncommon. 

    Teamwork is hard.

    Strategic thinkers make great financial planners - when you find them.

    You may be a competent and ethical planning professional.

    But....Are you a team player?  A strategic thinker?

    You can learn how to be both in our board room.

    Nurturing Habits that Build Community...

    Leadership on the  General Circle.

    The wide range of chapter volunteer activities

    are grouped into 4 components of our General Circle:

              1. Communications
              2. Community Connections
              3. Professional Development
              4. Advancing the Profession

    Do you want to practice running efficient meetings and learn how to connect actions to strategic plans and metrics that matter?

    We do not waste time.

    Better Presenter...

    Better Planner?

    We believe so.

    Participate in Advocacy work, or

    Volunteer as a Financial Literacy Presenter/Educator

    Improve your presenter skills with exposure to the Learning Hub+

    and then practice your skill development via

    Coaching, Facilitating, and Teaching Financial Literacy

    or impacting our regulatory environment with Advocacy.

    We do not fear things that go thump in the night.

    We seek them out, face them, and resolve them.


    Want to know more?

    Financial Planning Association (FPA) is a national 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.  FPA is Your Partner in Planning TM.

    FPA Arizona (FPAAZ) is a state based 501(c)(6) organization, affiliated with FPA via a Chapter Charter and License agreement.

    PO Box 4130, Scottsdale AZ 85261 Ph:  480-483-9035 Hours:  M-Th: 9 - 5  Fr: 9 - 1 

    Copyright Notice:  © 2025:  FPA Arizona reserves all rights to original content published here.  Our Terms of Use prohibit website users from posting any copyrighted material without seeking express authorization in advance.

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